Friday, February 24, 2012

Hunter is 15!

SERIOUSLY? Where has time gone? In 45 minutes Hunter is turning 15. I can't believe it. Hunter is the BEST. Yes I know that I'm a little bias, but really he IS the BEST. I'm so proud of the man he's turning into be and really can't wait to see all that God has in store for him. Love you son. :)


Ryanne said...

They are the cutest, best kids! Hope Hunter had a great birthday. I loved the pictures from the funeral, you have such a beautiful family. Its so good you were all able to be together, even if it was for a sad occasion.

Cindy King said...

That is crazy!! I swear it was just a couple of years ago that he was a baby!! You have a beautiful family and are doing a great job raising them!

Julee said...

Thanks Ryanne and Cindy~