Thursday, November 13, 2008


Ever since John has started his masters program I've noticed how exhausted he's been, but that doesn't stop him from enjoying the time he has with the kids. After saying hello to me, the first thing he does when he gets home is love on his kids. Even though he may be really tired from the days events; such as teaching 90 crazy 7th graders, working on his masters program, and then going to his second job (carpet installation) his face always lights up when he comes home. He truly is an inspiration.

So here's to all the hard working Fathers out there, trying to provide a great life for their families and even though it's HARD they still have big smiles on their faces......This is what life is all about........


Anonymous said...

What a sweet post! I feel the same way about Sam. If I did what he did every day, I would just want to come home and go to bed....but he ALWAYS makes time to have fun with our kids.

Kristin Wilkerson said...

You are a lucky girl! We all are huh? Maybe the reason Caleb and Maizee pretend like they are "Jewey and John" is because they know you are so great!

m@R(! said...

your husband ALWAYS has a smile on his face...your kids are blessed to have such an awesome dad!

Mary Child said...

Julee, you've posted a lot since I've last peeked at your blog!

Congrats to your nephew's on their graduation. The Peru adventure will be the experience of a lifetime!

It was fun to see a picture of Curtis; and your mom is SOOOOOOOO CUTE. She seems like such a cute grandma.

AND, I know, I feel the same way about MY Jon! He is such a great dad, and it makes me love him all the more to see him show such tenderness with our kids. He came home yesterday, and Olivia ran to him (like she always does), and said, "HI DAD, Hi Dad, Dad, Gueth wut?" and proceeded to chatter away about our day; it was SO CUTE!!!

Dad's are so important, and this motherhood gig is SO EXHAUSTING that I really don't know what I'd do if I didn't have Jon there to pick up my slack. Thank goodness for great dad's.

(By the way, your twins are ADORABLE! I know it must be dizzyingly busy, but HOW LUCKY you are to have them! SO CUTE JULEE)!