Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm going CRAZY!

Meal time around the Sanchez house has become quite a JOKE! None of the food we feed them ends up in their stomachs, no, it ends up in their hair, clothes, and floor. I know, I know what your thinking....why don't they have bibs on? Well, the answer to that is they hate their bibs and refuse to put them on! Plus they are such coppy catters, once one is throwing food the other thinks it fun to do the same. :( I'm going crazy!! My other children did not act like this when it came to food so this is all new territory for me, anyone have some seriously profound ideas because you have to know I've tried alot of things.....Okay Macie doesn't look so bad in this picture, but you should see the floor!!!


m@R(! said...

that is! kinley HATES her bib too so i have to take her shirt off but i LOVE those pictures.

Bethany said...

Feed them in the bathtub?

Anonymous said...

hahaha! That looks so familiar...except Indy wears a bib. Even with that though, she still manages to get insanely dirty. How does it get through a plastic bib?

Cindy King said...

I usually opted for the bare chested approach as well. It didn't stop the problem, but at least I only had to wipe them up and not wash the shirt as well. Fortunately you will forget all about it in a few years. Be sure to keep those pictures for blackmail purposes!! Keep smiling!!

m@R(! said...

thanks!! i am also so exicted...i can hardly wait. Hope you don't mind if i call you lots about things. :)

Kristin Wilkerson said...

I don't know how I missed this post. That is so funny. Meal time is crazy around here too!

Mary Child said...

Oh my gosh Julee, that is seriously just too funny! I am SO high-strung I don't know how I would handle that. The fact that they are completely ADORABLE must make it a little more bearable, right? I always wanted twins; you got the cutest ones I've ever seen!

I loved the post of you and Olivia at the Nutcracker. She is so pretty Julee. All of your kids are so cute, but those girls, my goodness, you're gonna be beating boys off of them!

Julee said...

Thanks everyone! I've decided that this is just my battle to fight...They both have been sick so now they won't eat anything...what can I say, I'm pretty much speechless.

Falslev Fam said...

I can't believe how much they've grown. SOOoo cute!

Megan said...

My youngest was like them also. Thank goodness I didn't have 2 of her. She wouldn't wear a bib or sit down in her highchair. It was a battle and I think I lost. So I don't have any wisdom for you. But she is 3 now and at least doesn't end up quite so messy now.