Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Humor me alittle....

I'm pretty excited about my new rug! Soooo I thought I would show it off...;) Isn't it beautiful? It brings so much color to my brrooowwwn house, I love it and it makes me happy! The first day we got it I didn't want anyone walking on it....well, having 5 kids got me over that real quick, but there ARE some rules now.


Jenny said...

Love the new rug. When we get some are to put a rug on - I will be all over that!

m@R(! said...

it is so Beautiful! it looks great next to your pretty flooring. I love how you set rules..i do that all the time but then after a month i forget and i am usually the first one that breaks them.

Kristin Wilkerson said...

I love it! I just remembered when I saw your post that I forgot to come over the other day...sorry! Hope you are having a good day.

Amanda said...

Love love the rug! Your wood floors are beautiful. Haven't seen you guys in a long time. We need to get together soon.

Bethany said...

I LOVE your new rug. It is quite an accent piece! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Love it! It looks so good in your house.

Mary Child said...

It's beautiful Julee!

Megan said...

I love your rug. I too am addicted to brown and need to work in more accents to spice things up a bit. I have a microfiber sectional that looks similar to your couches.